GTA Chinatown Wars Review

October 21, 2009

GTA Chinatown Wars, when released for the Nintendo DS sucked big time and it was pretty much expected since a loser console like the Nintendo DS cannot handle games like GTA.

I was really excited when I came to know that it is being released for the Sony PSP. I had a lot of expectations from it, but sadly, I am disappointed.

I thought that the game would be as rocking as Gta vice city stories or Liberty City Stories, but GTA Chinatown Wars takes one step back, especially with the overhead camera and textual story telling. I am okay with the static cutscenes, but an overhead camera is simply undigestable. Seriously mate, you are taking me back to the days of GTA and GTA 2.
Rockstar, you need to gear up your weapons, seriously.



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