What people do with their Old Cellphones

November 25, 2009

New cellphones release every month nowadays, and it is pretty hard to keep up with them. With the tendency of people (especially teenagers and youngsters) to keep up with the latest trends, they might change cellphone numerous times in an year. What do they do with their old phones? I wanted to find out.

My answers came from myLot. Where one person had already asked this question. I carefully read the responses and interesting results were churned out.

Most of the people said that they usually donated their cellphones to a charity, or gave it to their relatives, since they boasted of no monetary value. One or two people sold their old cellphones over eBay, and some actually kept it with them as a memorabilia.

Whatever you do, just make good use of your old cellphone. Consider Recycling it at the Nokia recycle centre.



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