Nokia has recently pre-launched the Nokia N97 Mini, a miniature version of one of their most hyped devices, the Nokia N97. I personally find the Mini much more useful and better than the N97. First of all, it's got all the features of the original N97, no drawbacks.
Opposing to this, it's got a smaller screen (hence more pocket friendly and less power consuming) and a capacitive touchscreen, which supports multi touch. This means that you can pinch and stretch your fingers to zoom images and webpages, moreover, the touchscreen is much more smooth and sensitive. It's so cool.
Capacitive touchscreens are much more superior to the ******* resistive touchscreens. If you ever use an iPhone/iPod Touch/LG Arena/HTC Magic/HP Touchsmart or something like that, you should know the difference. This is Nokia's first capacitive touch device, though X6 (another capacitive device) was announced much earlier, it hasnt been launched as yet.
Best of luck to Nokia with the mini!